IT Assets and Hardware Resources

Managing IT assets has grown beyond the simple task of tracking hardware and software; it now also requires that technology support the business and academic goals of the institution. Take a look at how IT investments are being aligned to institutional goals, and how schools are managing the licenses, contracts, and life cycle of their hardware and software assets.

The Future of Content

Digital publishing is redefining education, inspiring new teaching practices and changing the way students learn. Yet even as support for electronic content grows, critics argue that key issues must be resolved before it can gain widespread acceptance. Visit this section to find articles and resources about this important issue and to see which factors will influence the future of educational content.

Assessment and Accountability

Technology allows instant feedback on all types of assessments and creates new opportunities for measuring and storing students’ knowledge and skills. It can assist teachers in devising appropriate personalized instruction based upon well designed assessments of all kinds. Find out how some districts are improving assessment techniques, measuring progress, and improving student achievement.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Delve into one of the hottest topics in K-12 education. Having data is no longer sufficient; using it effectively is the key to student success. Learn about the tools, software, hardware, strategies, and initiatives that are changing the way teachers and administrators are improving teaching and learning.

Display and Presentation

New display and presentation technologies inspire innovative educational uses and enhance the classroom experience. This section offers numerous articles and resources highlighting the integration of presentation technologies and new media into schools and classrooms, and tips on how to assess your display and presentation needs.

Grants and Funding

How do schools, districts, and teachers fund the technology they need for continuous improvement in teaching and learning? This site provides case studies, practical tips, and useful information for planning and applying for grants, as well as sustaining technology programs in an era of tights funds.

Mobile Computing

The benefits of mobile and wireless computing throughout K-12 education are many. From 1 to 1 computing, to wireless networks, from laptops to PDAs, read about the benefits and pitfalls of the districts and schools that have embraced mobile computing.


Ask any administrator or technology coordinator their biggest technology challenge, and the issue of security rises to the top. No matter your district size or location, security is an issue that isn’t going away. This Learning Center is your one-stop resource for articles, white papers, case studies and more on creating and maintaining a secure environment.