Mobile learning is the top priority for K–12 IT leaders, according to the fifth annual K–12 IT Leadership Survey published by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). It’s the first time mobile learning ranked as the highest priority in the survey. MoreEach VR "book" incorporates virtual field trips, interactive games and learning activities, a "theater" experience, a teacher demo of an experiment and access to online assessments. More
In the city that has been leading the fight to slow climate change, students will soon spend class time using an augmented reality (AR) game to figure out how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. MoreThe virtual schools market in North America is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.82 percent during the period 2017-2021, according to a recent report by market research firm Research and Markets. MoreCharri Stratton, director of instructional technology for Putnam City Schools in Oklahoma City, OK, has plenty of experience with mobile carts and their incorporation into classrooms. Stratton oversaw the deployment of the 15,000 iPads and about 375 mobile carts, and has witnessed teachers using the carts in creative ways. MoreA new version of Samsung Gear 360 can capture video in 4K resolution and live-stream in 2K resolution. The new product is also compatible with iOS devices, Macs, Windows and more Android devices, making it easier to create, share and stream virtual reality content. MoreThis week at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference in Los Angeles, Pasco Scientific is unveiling the third edition of “Essential Physics,” a deeply digital curriculum that brings physics concepts to life in ways that text and static images cannot. MoreEdgenuity, a provider of K–12 online and blended learning, is offering California high school students innovative new courses, including a state-required contemporary health course and a suite of electives that have earned “a-g” approval. MoreThe United States is expected to spend the most of any country on these two systems in 2017 — $9.7 billion, according to a report from the International Data Corporation. MoreA new VR editor designed for tablet-use from ThingLink offers a way for teachers and students to create interactive content. MoreThe days when e-discovery consisted of handing over copies of e-mails to address Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, compliance regulations or other legal obligations are over. More
Upcoming K–12 Grants
Sponsor: SparkFun
Award: STEM/STEAM-releated prize packages, event and team sponsorships and other types of support
Number of Awards: Varies
Application Deadline: Third Thursday of each month; awards announced on the last business day of each month
Sponsor: Lumina Foundation
Award: $25,000
Number of Awards: 2
Application Deadline: April 9, 2017
Sponsor: United States Department of Education
Award: $12 million to $15 million over a period of three to five years
Number of Awards: 23 to 30
Application Deadline: April 11
Sponsor: McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation
Award: $30,000 maximum ($10,000 over three years)
Number of Awards: Not specified (five awarded last year)
Application Deadline: April 15
Sponsor: McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation
Award: $30,000 maximum ($10,000 over three years)
Number of Awards: Not specified (two awarded last year)
Application Deadline: April 15 (submissions open Jan. 15)
Sponsor: Siemens Foundation
Award: $10,000
Number of Awards: 1
Application Deadline: April 28, 5 p.m. ET
Sponsor: Crayola and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
Award: $2,500 plus $1,000 in Crayola gear
Number of Awards: Up to 20 major prizes, plus one Crayola Classpack for every applicant submitting by the early bird deadline
Application Deadline: June 23 (June 5 for early bird prize)
Sponsor: Toshiba America Foundation
Award: Two categories: Up to $5,000 and more than $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Up to $5,000 awarded on a rolling basis; Aug. 1 deadline for applications for more than $5,000
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Award: No more than 10 percent of an organization's annual operating expenses or 25 percent of the total budget for the project being funded; awards have ranged from the hundreds to the millions of dollars.
Number of Awards: Varies
Qualification: Project should "directly serve or impact children living in urban poverty, particularly in the areas of education, family economic stability (including microfinance) and childhood health."
Deadline: Ongoing (approx. 10 awards per month)
Deadline: Ongoing (grants awarded on a rolling basis)
Call for Papers & Proposals
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