Cable Network Gives At-Desk Training

At a monthly subscription fee costing less than the purchase price of many training videos, BusinessVision, a training and business news direct-broadcast satellite (DBS) network, will provide subscribers with top training videos, live panel discussions and up-to-the-minute financial, legal and business news on CNN Headline News and CNNfn. BusinessVision is also capable of feeding its broadcast directly into computers to reach an entire organization via a network. In addition to providing regular training and news programs, BusinessVision will film and broadcast national and regional training conferences, professional meetings and industry conventions, as well as interactive "speak to the expert" panel discussions with business school professors, management authors and Inc. magazine and Fortune 500 business leaders. Subscribers will receive a monthly program guide with offerings listed both by time and subject matter. For information on BusinessVision, call (800) 424-0840. Broadcast International, Midvale, UT, (801) 562-2252; Video Publishing House, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, (847) 517-8744.

This article originally appeared in the 05/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
