News Releases - Seiko Instruments USA Inc.

The Word Power English Vocabulary Builder (WPVB) from Seiko is an intelligent electronic tutor that is designed to help elementary and high school students increase vocabulary skills. Offering over 100,000 structured exercises from fourth grade through college, this interactive handheld tool operates in four learning modes: synonyms, associations, SAT and T'EFL. It is a great help to those studying for the verbal PSAT, SAT and T'EFL exams.

The Word Power English Vocabulary Builder (WPVB) from Seiko is an intelligent electronic tutor that is designed to help elementary and high school students increase vocabulary skills. Offering over 100,000 structured exercises from fourth grade through college, this interactive handheld tool operates in four learning modes: synonyms, associations, SAT and T'EFL. It is a great help to those studying for the verbal PSAT, SAT and T'EFL exams.

WPVB adapts to the user in real time, providing instant feedback and constantly adjusting itself to work just above the student’s level and pace. In this way it can maintain a challenging learning environment. Other features include: an easy to use multiple choice format with easily identifiable menu keys; and vocabulary exercises taken from the American Heritage Dictionary, Roget’s II, The New Thesaurus and the WordFinder Thesaurus.

The unit is quite easy and fun to use, and the adaptive technology really works. During the Q&A, SAT and T'EFL quizzes we sampled, the unit kept one step ahead, never boring us or remaining at a static skill level. In addition to the excellent tests and quizzes, the WPVB also features an intuitive spell checker, inflections and more. Seiko Instruments USA Inc., Torrance, CA, (877) 344-4040,

This article originally appeared in the 12/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.
