Tech Consortium Approves WebStudy LMS

WebStudy will provide in-class and online learning management tools for MiCTA, a Saginaw, MI-based non-profit technology consortium that counts K-12 school districts among its constituency.

"Many of our education members want to deliver online courses. MiCTA's partnership with WebStudy will allow them to do that quickly and easily,” explained Tim von Hoff, COO of MiCTA.

Serving a wide variety of educational institutions, school districts, and non-profit organizations as its members, MiCTA reported that it considers an important part of its mission to provide up-to-date information on the most useful, effective, and economical technological solutions for non-profit entities and to act as a purchasing agent of such solutions for its members in order to provide volume discounts. Vendor approval in this case came following a competitive bid process, which the group conducted in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Education.

"During the bid evaluation, we relied on subject-matter experts from around the United States to develop and articulate the LMS services our members want and need,” Von Hoff said. The parties involved in the process, he explained, reviewed the submitted proposals and concluded that WebStudy’s in-class and online products offered an optimal combination of features, price, and service.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
