Videodisc Confronts Controversial Science

High school students can research and discuss such controversial topics as DNA testing of criminals, genetic screening, in-vitro gender selection and euthanasia with Bi'ethics Forums, an interactive science videodisc. The program presents 12 complex ethical issues and the real-world science behind them. Video segments feature topic introductions exploring all sides of an argument. Students use the videodisc to access articles, industry pamphlets, graphs, statements by advocates and medical professionals, and more. Among the other topics covered are fetal alcohol syndrome, breast cancer susceptibility and infant transplants. Bi'ethics Forums suits cross-curricular teaching of subjects such as health, social studies, career education and family life. Videodiscovery, Seattle, WA, (800) 548-3472.

This article originally appeared in the 10/01/1995 issue of THE Journal.
