Educators tap into the Education Resource Network

Educators tap into the Education Resource Network

Digital Venture Solutions, Inc. has launched a Web resource for educators in K-6 schools. The Education Resource Network (ERN) aims to provide teachers and administrators with everything they need for their daily activities. The Welcome page offers eight links, one of which is called the Front Office, where teachers can read the latest news in education or inspirational teaching stories. Or they can enter the Faculty Room, where discussions on professional development, school planning and educational trends take place. Additionally, they can find helpful directories of associations, job listings, information on grant writing, a specialized database of letters for home-school communication and a collection of educational statistics.

The Classrooms link offers lesson plans, standards-based activities and discussions on classroom management problems. In the Library you will have access to a large collection of online research and general interest articles. Join the 'educator's book club' to discuss professional books with your colleagues. Link to the E-Store to find the latest information on learning videos, software and other educational tools, as well as critical evaluations of these products. The Why We Teach link is filled with more inspirational news of the teaching profession around the world. Let's Talk features moderated discussions on interesting topics. Finally, About ERN will give you a behind the scenes look at the company bringing you this professional resource.

Currently, ERN accepts applications to participate in the ERN Leadership District Program. ERN will select 25-35 school districts nationwide to receive ERN membership for all their elementary teachers and administrators free of cost through January 2000. For more information on ERN or to request an application, please contact Education Resource Network. Education Resource Network, Newport Beach, CA, (949) 760-6636,


This article originally appeared in the 09/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.
