Assessment Tools... Achievement Management System

The Achievement Management System from TurnLeaf gives educators one resource to turn to for K-12 assessment management. AMS v1.1 is a Web-based suite of assessment and evaluation tools that aggregates and disaggregates all of a school's national, state and local test data. AMS lets users create and navigate charts and reports encompassing any and all student, teacher and test data. Users can publish what the company calls "live-data" individual or group reports, charts and performance portfolios.

With AMS, administrators can maximize test data, as well as compile and distribute reports to state assessment authorities. Principals have up-to-the-minute knowledge of where their school stands; as well as the ability to establish achievement profiles for their school, and place teachers and students more appropriately. The tool also allows teachers to view student performance over multiple measures and times, identify achievement goals and plan instruction, as well as select data elements for comparison to build students' strengths and manage their weaknesses. TurnLeaf, Evergreen, CO, (866) 829-5900,

This article originally appeared in the 09/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
