Fingerprint Biometrics Delivers Greater Computer Protection

STMicr'electronics' TouchChip fingerprint biometric suite offers basic input/output system BIOS and data security for notebooks and workstation computers. This suite provides fingerprint readings that grant access to a computer; thus, protecting the computer and its sensitive contents from unauthorized use. An authorized user's fingerprint controls the BIOS system and allows the notebook to boot. The hard drive is similarly protected, as authorization is required to access specially encrypted data. Working with Microsoft Windows, TouchChip also allows users to replace Windows-based or Internet passwords with the touch of a finger. Notebooks by MPC and Toshiba are already secured by TouchChip biometric technology, protecting the content of teachers' and students' notebooks as they make the transition from school to home. For more information on TouchChip technology, visit

This article originally appeared in the 01/01/2004 issue of THE Journal.
