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GSX Monitor Analyzer Now Supports Mobile and Collaboration Tools

GSX has announced general availability of GSX Monitor & Analyzer v10, a tool for monitoring cloud-based messaging and collaboration services, including services hosted outside the organization's firewall.

GSX Monitor enables administrators to monitor cloud-based services, such as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Lotus Notes Traveler, IBM Lotus Quickr, IBM Sametime, or BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). GSX Analyzer takes the statistics generated by GSX Monitor and either posts them to a Web-based user interface or e-mails a customizable PDF on a set schedule, so executives and managers can see how well their organization's cloud-based services are operating.

This new version of GSX Monitor and Analyzer includes monitoring support for more product components, modular options in the installation to select which server types and components to install, a redesigned user interface, simplified server settings, and new reports to track mail forwarding.

GSX Monitoring v10 now monitors the following product components:

  • IBM Lotus Notes Traveler service availability, alerts, and device synchronization;
  • IBM Lotus Quickr service availability, tracking, authentication, and place monitoring;
  • IBM Sametime 8.5 services, meetings, and DB2 and Websphere components;
  • Microsoft SharePoint usage, services, sites, users, and synchronization;
  • Microsoft Exchange 2010 database availability group (DAG) and database store availability and performance, and client access server (CAS) availability;
  • BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 high availability failover and secondary server alerts, and manual fallback reminders; and
  • IBM Lotus Domino probes to track index size, databases with indexes, and user-defined thresholds.

New features for GSX Analyzer v10 include:

  • Reports for IBM Lotus Notes Traveler and IBM Lotus Quickr;
  • Multi-server comparatives;
  • Structured environmental health reports;
  • Improved user setup; and
  • Enhanced formatting controls.

GSX Monitor & Analyzer v10 is available now. A free trial is available for download on the GSX site.

Further information about GSX Monitor & Analyzer v10 can be found on the GSX site.

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
