Knowledge Delivery Systems Partners with To Launch Flipped Learning PD Course

Knowledge Delivery Systems (KDS) has partnered with to launch a new course on flipped classrooms for teachers of students in grades 6-12.

The new course, "The Flipped Classroom: Personalizing the Classroom To Reach Each Student Every Day," is designed to explore "the pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment," according to a news release.

Topics and features of the three-credit course include:

Techniques for flipped learning and Common Core instructional shifts;

  • Classroom examples;
  • "Going deeper" with classroom strategies;
  • Gaining buy-in from stakeholders and addressing points of resistance;
  • Formative and summative strategies for lesson organization; and
  • Troubleshooting flipped classroom issues.

"This intensely practical course gives participants a roadmap to implement flipped learning," said Aaron Sams, co-founder at, in a prepared statement "It is filled with videos of real teachers and advice from us about best practices. This course is done in a completely online environment which mirrors many flipped learning principals."

"Districts across the country have made significant investments in personal technology for students and teachers. Partnering with Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams of allowed us to develop a rigorous and scalable online professional development solution," said Alvin Crawford, CEO of KDS, in a prepared statement. "Through this course, districts can cost-effectively prepare all their teachers to implement this innovative blended learning model into their classroom and maximize student engagement and learning."

More information is available at

About the Author

Joshua Bolkan is contributing editor for Campus Technology, THE Journal and STEAM Universe. He can be reached at [email protected].
