Science Talent Search Invites Applicants

Entry materials are now available for the 55th Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the nation's oldest high-school science scholarship competition. To qualify, students must write areport on an independent research project in science, mathematics or engineering. The competition is sponsored by Westinghouse Electric Corp. in partnership with Science Service, anon-profit organization that fosters public understanding of science. To date, scholarships totaling about $3 million have been awarded to more than 2,000 students. Candidates arejudged by a board of 11 distinguished scientists from a variety of disciplines. Forty finalists receive all-expense paid trips to Washington, D.C., for final judging in March 1996. First prizeis a $40,000 scholarship. Interested parties may request entry materials from Science Service at 1719 N Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 785-2255, Fax (202) 785-1243. Thedeadline is Dec. 1, 1995.
