K-8 Discount Book Offers Tech Educators Savings

The Big Deal Book, billed as "the ultimate collection of best buys for educators," has more than $2,000 in savings on educational products and services for K-8 educators with over 100 offers from 75 makers of educational products. The book offers discounts from 20-50% on teaching aids, books, games, classroom decor, magazines, memberships and other incentives from educational firms. Bargains come from Brøderbund, Davidson, Educational Resources, Edmark, The Learning Co., MECC, Mindscape, Sanctuary Woods, Roger Wagner, World Book, online service providers and technology workshop presenters. Offers made in the book are available through July 31, 1996. Marketing Projects, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL, (800) 650-0034.


  • Two figures, one male and one female, stand beside a transparent digital interface displaying AI symbols like neural networks, code, and a shield, against a clean blue gradient background.

    Microsoft-IDC Report Makes Business Case for Responsible AI

    A report commissioned by Microsoft and published last month by research firm IDC notes that 91% of organizations use AI tech and expect more than a 24% improvement in customer experience, business resilience, sustainability, and operational efficiency due to AI in 2024.

  • stylized illustration of an open laptop displaying the ChatGPT interface

    'Early Version' of ChatGPT Windows App Now Available

    OpenAI has introduced a new ChatGPT Windows desktop app, about five months after the macOS version became available.

  • zSpace Imagine Learning Solution

    zSpace Debuts Headset-Free AR/VR System

    Immersive learning company zSpace has announced the zSpace Imagine Learning Solution, a headset-free AR/VR laptop system designed for elementary education. The all-in-one platform integrates hardware, software, and hands-on lessons to create dynamic learning experiences for young students.

  • futuristic VR goggles with blue LED accents, placed in front of a fantastical landscape featuring glowing hills, a shimmering river, and floating islands under a twilight sky

    Los Angeles Unified School District Adopts VR Learning Platform, Resources

    Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) recently announced a partnership with Avantis Education to bring educational virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) solution ClassVR to its students. A news release reports that the district has already deployed more than 16,000 ClassVR headsets as part of the Los Angeles Unified Instructional Technology Initiative.