CD-i Teacher Kits are "Intro Priced" in April

CD-i Teacher Kits Are
"Intro Priced" in April School 2000 is a new program featuring multimedia packages of software plus teacher-support materials -- all designed for the CD-i platform. Ten different Teacher Kits were introduced -- with bundles focusing on early reading, math and language arts; science; art; discovery; etc. -- by Philips Media Systems in February. Courseware in the bundles are popular titles from well-known educational software publishers, placed on a CD-i disc. Extras include teacher's guides, lesson plans and student activity sheets. CD-i is what CD-ROM "should have been," say some. It displays high-quality MPEG (digital) video on a regular TV; no computer or PC monitor is needed and a wireless remote offers random access to any section, instantly. CD-i players are sold separately or as part of the firm's Introductory Special. The special comprises a Magnavox CD-i 2000 player, a DV cartridge and the choice of one School 2000 Teacher Kit -- for $799. The price is good through April 30, 1996. Designed expressly for the ease-of-use and curriculum needs of K-12, Philips plans to have 25-30 discipline-specific School 2000 Teacher Kits by the end of 1996. Philips Media Systems, West Des Moines, IA, (800) 265-8086.

This article originally appeared in the 04/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
