Encarta 97 Adds Content, Extra CD
Microsoftís Encarta Encyclopedia now comes in two versions: the award-winning Encarta 97 Encyclopedia on a single compact disc, and the new two-CD Encarta 97 Encyclopedia, Deluxe Edition.
Each version contains more than 31,000 articles -- 6,000 new or updated for this edition -- as well as thousands of multimedia items, including photos, sounds, charts and tables, maps and animations.

In addition to the updated text, which includes more than 1.5 million additional words, the Deluxe Edition has almost double the amount of multimedia content. Included are 14,000 photos and illustrations, more than 2,300 audio clips, 970 maps, and 150 videos and animations.
The Deluxe Edition also offers extensive, built-in online functionality. It includes more than 5,000 pre-installed Web Links, seamlessly integrating Encarta articles with sites on the Web. All Encarta Web sites, selected by a team of editors, are well-researched and up-to-date. Educators and parents will appreciate the safe, guided Internet access from within Encarta when their students use the program for school projects.
Also new to the Deluxe Edition are multimedia Collages. These interactive presentations on 20 topics ranging from biodiversity to communications technology give students intelligent contexts to boost understanding.
A School Edition of Encarta Deluxe has a Teacherís Guide with reproducible teacher-developed activities for major curriculum areas. Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, (800) 426-9400 www.microsoft.com. W