MM Authoring System Now Works With Web
One of the fastest growing CBT/multimedia authoring tools of 1996, Everest Authoring System 2.0 now enables authors to create and deliver interactive multimedia and (CBT) projects directly via the Internet and intranets.
The new version combines data compression, predictive preloading and just-in-time compilation to accelerate run time performance on the Internet. Content is stored in ZIP format and the software anticipates selections, pre-downloading the necessary content and compiling the project when it is pre-loaded, increasing execution speed up to 500%.

Everest 2.0 is one of the first authoring systems to offer an Internet Simulator. Developers can test run their projects at a variety of communication speeds, observing the performance of projects in a variety of delivery environments.
Everest 2.0 is available for free: users need pay only if they distribute projects created with the software. It can be downloaded from the firmís Web site, or a copy on diskette can be obtained by calling (888) 8-AUTHOR. Many educators have taken advantage of this offer and are using Everest to teach multimedia authoring classes, where they can give each student a copy of the software. Intersystem Concepts, Inc., Fulton, MD, (410) 531-9000, W