nstrument Monitors Weather Conditions

The Health EnviroMonitor monitors environmental conditions that can lead to sunburn, skin cancer, heat stress or hypotherma, allowing school personnel to take precautions before students engage in outdoor activities. The instrument also serves as a valuable teaching tool for science classes.

When linked to external sensors, a handheld console measures/ calculates temperature, humidity, UV index and dose rate, wind chill, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, dew-point, rainfall, barometric pressure and more. One can install the sensors outside using various mounting arms and shelters.

Current readings, high and low readings, cumulative totals and daily averages are available for display at the push of a button. An optional Alarm Output Module provides a relay-control signal for starting or stopping devices (such as heaters or fans) when a value exceeds its user-set alarm point.

Inside the classroom, the Health EnviroMonitor provides unique learning opportunities. With Health WeatherLink software for Windows, students can create their own database of weather information, from which they may generate reports and graphs. They also can view real-time weather conditions in remote locations, transmitted to the PC via modem, cellular phone or radio. Davis Instruments, Hayward, CA, (510) 732-9229.

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