CUC Introduces Unique School-to-Home License
CUC Software, an operating unit of CUC International, has introduced a School-to-Home license, which allows K-12 teachers and students to use their schoolsí CUC software on home computers for lesson planning and homework. The license applies to titles from Davidson & Associates, Knowledge Adventure and Sierra On-Line.

These companies publish hundreds of programs for various curricular areas and grade levels, including Math Blaster, Kid Works Deluxe, The Cruncher, JumpStart, Print Artist and The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. The School-to-Home license ships automatically with building site licenses and district site licenses of products from the CUC Software family.
"CUC Software has extended its site license policies to help parents play a stronger role in their childrenís day-to-day education," said Martha Connellan, vice president of school products.
The firm offers other customized pricing options for schools, such as Dual-License Teacher Editions, which let teachers use the software on two computers -- at home or at school -- to facilitate planning. Lab packs and network versions are also available. CUC Software, Torrance, CA, (800) 545-7677,
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