Integrate ActiveX and Java into WebShare

Version 2.0 of WebShare, Radnetís groupware development system, adds full bi-directional replication, WYSIWYG functionality and ActiveX/Java support. Other new features include enhanced security based on the SSL 3.0 standard and Unicode support for international character sets. The product allows developers to quickly create open, secure, collaborative Web applications for intranets.

Through the WebShare Mobile "Personal Server," laptop users can run their groupware applications off-line and bi-directionally replicate when they reconnect to the network. If desired, the server "pushes" to the mobile laptop WebShare applications and all associated files, such as modified documents and conflict resolution. The system limits replication to those fields and records for which a user has permission to access.

For the first time, developers can integrate Active X controls or Java applets into their WebShare applications, allowing them to easily leverage the large base of third-party tools. The new visual application builder lets one work with HTML 3.2 and application objects in a drag-and-drop environment. WebShare runs on Windows NT platforms across any LAN running TCP/IP or public Internet networks. For detailed pricing information, see the firmís Web site. Radnet, Inc., Cambridge, MA, (617) 577-9422,

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