Learn How to Break into Networking Field

C-TECH Associates and Lucent Technologies have jointly developed a training program for unemployed people seeking to break into a high-tech field. "Introduction to Networking: The Physical Layer" outlines network wiring and cabling for computers, telephones, video equipment and other devices.

Enrollees in the program learn how to terminate, test and troubleshoot network wiring. Upon completion, they become certified as "Network Cabling Specialists," capable of handling systems such as Lucentís SYSTIMAX SCS. Certified Specialists often can find employment with Lucent resellers, electrical contractors, hospitals, educational institutions and government facilities.

C-TECHís program relies on existing classrooms and instructors available at vocational schools and community colleges. Colleen Walsh-Barnes, a former New Jersey Technology Teacher of the Year, helped develop the course materials. As of August, eight vocational schools in New Jersey were offering the hands-on networking course. C-TECH Associates, Inc., Andover, NJ, (201) 770-8774, www.c-techassoc.com.

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This article originally appeared in the 09/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.
