Administrative Package Helps Illinois District

School District 34 in Winfield, Ill., has adopted EduSource 2000 to integrate administrative, instruction and assessment processes. The software stores and tracks information such as student attendance, teacher assignments and health records via a client/server network.

Expressly designed for K-12 districts, EduSource 2000 (see page 33 for a more in-depth product description) allows one to present disparate information in concise executive reports. "What used to take hours for administrators and teachers to do as paper work now takes minutes," said Dr. Jack Barshinger, Winfield's superintendent.

Previously, all 35 teachers filled out log sheets to track attendance for 500 students. Now they e-mail attendance records every day, and the software d'es the tracking, notifying staff of excessive absences, for example.

Thanks to EduSource 2000's open and scaleable environment, Winfield can maintain, expand or upgrade the system regardless of hardware. Educational Technology Solutions, Buffalo Grove, IL, (847) 537-1810,

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