News: August 1998

Professional DevelpomentCompaq Unveils Suite Of AdvanCE Courses

Compaq has unveiled acomprehensive suite of professional development courses designed toenable U.S. schools to maximize technology for teaching and learning.Developed in conjunction with T.H.E. Institute, a division of T.H.E.Journal, the Compaq AdvanCE (Advantage Compaq Education) programoffers five courses delivered via several media.

AdvanCE serves as aflexible curriculum that addresses the varied budget and timeconstraints faced by teachers, schools and districts. Educatorschoose the medium &emdash; self-paced instruction via CD-ROM,moderated courses on the Internet, or in-person instruction at theirschools &emdash; that best meets their learning styles.

No matter which mediumthey select, educators will receive access, after completing thecourse(s), to an alumni Web site that promotes an ongoing dialogabout the top technology issues that teachers and administrators mustconfront. The Web site includes an online chat forum, background ofsuccessful projects, and a bulletin board to postrequests.

Each AdvanCE courserequires at least ten hours of instruction and incorporates a finalproject that allows participants to demonstrate their mastery ofcourse content and skills. Those who complete the course may beentitled to receive CEU (Continuing Education Unit)credits.

The following courses,expressly tailored for K-12 education, are availableimmediately:

• Bridging to Windows95, an interactive guide for schools transitioning from a Macintoshto a Windows environment.

• IntegratingTechnology, which explores the early stages of using technology inthe teaching and learning process.

• Communication andCollaboration Using the Web, a discussion of the opportunities andpractical applications of the Internet.

• Using Multimedia,which covers topics such as multimedia project design, classroommanagement and project evaluation.

• Designing a WorldWide Web Site, with tips and tricks on creating, publicizing andmaintaining a school Web site.

Besides individualcourses, districts can purchase an AdvanCE Trainers Kit, containingone CD-ROM, a trainer's manual, time lines, training instruction andpassword access to special materials online. The Train the TrainersKit, ideal for large districts, bundles 30 CD-ROMs and associatedmaterials. Compaq Computer Corp., Houston, TX, (800) 88-TEACH,

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Cable Association OffersWorkshops Nationwide

Cable in the Classroom,the non-profit public service initiative of the cable televisionindustry, has expanded its teacher training efforts.Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) will donate the assets from its twoteacher training facilities to help equip the newInstitute.

"Over the many years we'vehelped train teachers, we found a great desire by educators to learnnew technologies and incorporate them into the classroom," said LeoJ. Hindery, Jr., president of TCI. "With this donation, we're pleasedto make the technologies and training programs of our centersavailable to all educators."

The Cable in the ClassroomInstitute will operate a training center in Washington, D.C., to beused for teacher training, demonstrations for parents and federalstaff, and research and development of new applications.

In addition, the Institutewill deliver workshops in school districts throughout the country.Sponsored by local cable companies, the workshops will show teachersand administrators how to integrate the Internet with otherinstructional resources. One component of the curriculum will bewebTeacher, an online tutorial created by Tech Corps and the NationalCable Television Association.

Finally, the Institutewill offer virtual workshops that can be completed at the convenienceof participants. "This additional training will reinforce the effortsmany cable companies and cable programmers are already making to helpeducation," noted Megan Hookey, managing director of Cable in theClassroom. Cable in the Classroom, Alexandria, VA, (800) 743-5355,

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Microsoft CollaboratesWith Training Sites

To date, more than 150,000K-12 teachers have participated in professional development workshopsat locations at colleges and statedepartments of education around the U.S.

Microsoft supplies thesesites with the latest versions of its software products applicablefor K-12 classroom instruction, self-paced training materials, lessonplans, instructional videos and Microsoft Press books and tutorialmaterials, with an estimated value of $30,000 per siteannually.

In Texas, over 30,000teachers at the state's 20 education service centers have completedthe workshops. "Our teachers want kids to learn how to use thesoftware that will give them a leg up in the job market," noted SteveSimoneau, technology consultant at the Region 14 Education ServiceCenter in Abilene.

Georgia State Universitybecame a site in 1993, and today 6,000undergraduate and graduate students in all the early childhood,elementary and secondary education courses learn how to use Microsoftsoftware to teach a range of concepts.

Diane Stephenson,technology specialist at Barnwell Elementary School in Fulton County,Ga., has hosted Georgia State student teachers in her classroom forthree years. She stated: "[They] are not only willing to usetechnology and knowledgeable about how to use it, they also have afirm grasp of how to integrate it into the curriculum."

For more information onMicrosoft's teacher training initiatives, visit the Microsoft K-12Education Web site at Corp., Redmond, WA, (206) 882-8080.

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Calif. Colleges SelectNETg Solutions

The California CommunityColleges system has selected NETg to provide Information Technologytraining to its 65,000 full-time and adjunct faculty andadministrative support staff. The system comprises 106 colleges andserves approximately 1.4 million students.

Under the agreement, thecolleges will receive access to NETg's complete 400-course ITtraining library, which covers topics for professionals and novicesalike. Courses were developed in cooperation with technologyproducers such as Microsoft, Netscape, Oracle and Novell.

NETg alone offersPrecision Learning, which allows each learner to assess his/herexisting skills and competencies through a pre-test and then create aunique learning path focusing on those areas that require training.Courses can be delivered via CD-ROM, intranets or theInternet.

"NETg's approach to coursedelivery meets our needs for flexibility and compatibility," statedDr. Larry Toy, the colleges' director of system advancement andresource development. "We anticipate being able to deploy coursesacross our system with minimal conflicts or delays."

The colleges also willimplement NETg's SkillVantage Manager and Web SkillVantage Manager toassign specific courses to faculty and staff, track individual usageand performance, and provide reports for both learners andadministrators. NETg, Naperville, IL, (800) 265-1900,

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Program Suits SchoolsWith Laptop Learning

Launched earlier thisyear, Intouch with Laptop Learning offers professional developmentexpressly tailored for teachers involved in Anytime AnywhereLearning, a national initiative supported by Microsoft, AT&TLearning Network and several leading computer vendors.

Greg Butler, president andfounder of Intouch, developed this professional development programto "break the mold" and empower teachers to make significant changesin the way they integrate technology into their curricula. Butler'sinvolvement with laptop learning dates back to The Australian SchoolNotebook Access Program in 1990.

Subscribers begin theirIntouch with Laptop Learning experience with a three-daytrain-the-trainer workshop. Laptop teachers also can participate in arange of training courses delivered over the Internet. A central Website holds downloadable curriculum, software tools andtemplates.

Beaufort County SchoolDistrict in Beaufort, S.C., with 87 teachers and 1,300 students,subscribed to Intouch with Laptop Learning this spring. According tosuperintendent Herman K. Gaither, the program "transports teacherstowards the new learning paradigm in a meaningful, non-threateningand effective manner."

Annual subscriptions toIntouch range in cost from $2,400 for 15 teachers or less to $8,700for 60 teachers or more. Intouch with Laptop Learning, San Diego, CA,

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Jostens Designs CourseFor ESL Educators

Jostens Learning hasdesigned a professional development course especially for educatorsinvolved with English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. TeachingExcellence and Cultural Harmony (TEACH) was originally co-developedin 1993 by Jostens and the Florida Department of Education, andadapted last fall for a national audience.

"The strengths of TEACHare the quality, well-produced materials and the practicalapplications," said Cheryl Bunderson, director of instructionalsupport services, Jordan School District, Utah. Her district was oneof five K-12 districts that formed a consortium with the Universityof Utah to select an ESL training course.

Bunderson added that theconcepts and skills learned in TEACH could also benefit classifiedemployees. "For example, it would help a cafeteria worker respondmore effectively to an ESL student."

In Corsicana, Texas,meanwhile, Bill Humbert, Ed.D., director of curriculum andinstruction, enrolled five key teachers and three buildingadministrators in TEACH. Last September, the eight TEACH graduatesbecame trainers, sharing their skills and materials with otherfaculty members.

Pam Williamson, aCorsicana middle school teacher, saw immediate results with a groupof eighth grade boys who had trouble with English reading. "Theformerly disinterested students reacted so positively that many ofthem now love to read."

TEACH includes sixmodules: Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding; IntegratingMethods for Language Learning; Language Learning in the InteractiveClassroom; Curriculum and Materials for Language Learners; Journeythrough the Assessment Process; and TEACH Laser Disk/ResourceKit.

Each module stands on itsown and can be used independently. However, used together, the sixmodules complement each other and provide a broad coverage ofimportant issues and strategies relating to ESL instruction. JostensLearning, San Diego, CA, (800) 244-0575,

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Okidata Members Can TakeA+ Assessment

Okidata and HeathkitEducational Systems have formed a partnership to provide the Okidatamembership with a means of assessing their knowledge of A+Certification exam topics. Many companies require computer servicetechnicians to have A+ Certification before performing hardwarewarranty support service on their equipment andperipherals.

The Heathkit A+ WebAssessment Program provides the Okidata membership with online accessto a list of sample questions and gives real-time results. Based ontheses results, the Okidata membership can take advantage of specialproduct pricing and/or reduced test vouchers. Heathkit EducationalSystems, Benton Harbor, MI, (800) 253-0570,

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Univ. Offers Degrees InInstructional Technology

Nova SoutheasternUniversity, based in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., now offers Master ofScience (M.S.) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Programs inInstructional Technology and Distance Education. The mission of theprograms is the preparation of professionals and the development oftheir leadership skills for roles as instructors, trainers, managers,specialists and advocates.

The M.S. program isdesigned for delivery over a 21-month period. Instruction isaccomplished through a combination of distance education and alimited number of on-campus meetings. The Summer Institute enablesstudents in this and other programs to interact with faculty andinvited lecturers.

Students admitted to thedoctoral program fulfill their degree requirements in groups calledclusters. A coordinator acts as liaison between each cluster, theUniversity and program administration. Coordinators are available forcounseling, information, advising and academic support during theentire program.

The practicum is acreative, problem-solving project that immerses the student in themanagement or delivery of instructional technology and distanceeducation. Exemplary practicums are disseminated through computerdatabases, conferences and publications.

Among the admissionrequirements are current employment as an educator or trainer in anorganization that uses technology; three years of experience in thefield; and ownership of a laptop computer with modem. NovaSoutheastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, (800) 986-3223,

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Los Angeles SchoolsContract with Sylvan

Thirty-two public schoolsin the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) have chosen SylvanLearning Systems to provide supplemental education services tostudents and professional development to teachers.

In May, Sylvan began thefirst phase of an after-school, extended-day program in which itprovides intensive tutoring to elementary, middle and high schoolstudents in the area of reading, with a concentration on phonics,comprehension skills and vocabulary.

As part of the program,LAUSD teachers receive comprehensive staff development focusing onskills such as learner diagnostic assessment, mastery learningtechniques and increasing parental involvement. All participatingteachers work in a one-to-three ratio with strugglingstudents.

"When it comes toproviding quality staff development for new teachers, there is nosubstitute for the daily practical experience of working with a verysmall number of students in a closely supervised environment,"observed John Liechty, LAUSD's director of middle schoolinstructional programs.

The LAUSD agreementrepresents Sylvan's largest initial entry into a school district inits five-year history. The Sylvan Contract Educational Servicesdivision also serves public school districts in Baltimore, Chicago,Detroit, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, St.Louis and elsewhere. Sylvan Learning Systems, Inc., Baltimore, MD,(800) EDUCATE,

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Firm Sponsors FreeWeb-Based Training

National Semiconductor hasannounced a free Web-based training course to help teachers enrichtheir lesson plans using the Internet. Global Connections Online isan extension of the firm's hands-on training program available inCalifornia, Maine and Texas.

Global Connections Onlineincludes the following 30-minute modules: The World Wide Web,Internet Basics, Issues to Consider, Developing an Internet-RichLesson Plan, and Designing and Building a Web Page. The site( also features a chat room and bulletin boardfor 24-hour support.

"Studies reveal that manyschools have access to the Internet, yet a vast number of teachershave not been trained to use the technology," said Brian L. Halla,National's CEO. "National wants to close that gap." NationalSemiconductor Corp., Santa Clara, CA, (408) 721-8636,

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3Com Curriculum Prepares Networking Specialists

3Com's NetPrep programoffers students and teachers a standards-based curriculum on how todesign, implement, manage and integrate computer networks. Graduatesof the program will be certified for positions as networkadministrators and support specialists in the high-techindustry.

"NetPrep is aplatform-neutral school-to-career curriculum continuum to train ageneration of network managers, beginning in high school andextending to community college and professional network management,"said Marshall Crawford, CEO of Digital Education Systems, a 3Compartner that co-developed the curriculum.

NetPrep is the secondphase of 3Com's Information Literacy project, designed to support theeffective use of technology in schools through the federal E-rateprogram. 3Com Corp., Santa Clara, CA, (800) NET-3Com,

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Learn Key ApplicationsFrom Your Desktop

Ziff-Davis Education hasintroduced LearnItOnline Intranet, browser-based tutorials fordesktop training. Each tutorial provides 10 to 20 minutes of trainingin a simulated software setting. Users can dial in and train fromhome or another remote site.

Tutorials cover Windows95, Excel 7.0, Access 7.0, PowerPoint 7.0, Word for Windows 7.0,Windows NT 4.0, Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0.Schools pay only for the bundle of courses made available on theirnetwork.

"Intuitive andinteractive, our modular design allows students to tailor their ownlearning," noted Terry Nulty, vice president and general manager ofZiff-Davis Education. "We allow organizations to customize our Webpages to match the look and feel of their own network content, ifthey choose." Ziff-Davis Education, Atlanta, GA, (800) 456-4677,

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Buyer's Guide Lists 200+Training Products

American Media hasreleased a 50-page Training Buyer's Guide with information on morethan 200 training videos, CD-ROMs and books. Most products come withTraining Leader Guides and Participant Workbooks.

Among the video titleslisted are Legal Issues for Managers, We Need to Talk: CoachingProblem Employees, Solving Conflict, and Sexual Harassment: Is It orIsn't It? The Supervision Series on CD-ROM, meanwhile, givessupervisors the tools to develop performance standards, assign tasks,deal with complaints and prepare for change.

The Video Lending Libraryallows organizations to utilize the most up-to-date trainingresources through cost-effective five- or 30-day rentals. AMI alsocan create a custom video or multimedia program that suits yourspecific situation. American Media, Inc., West Des Moines, IA, (800)262-2557,

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AT&T to LaunchVirtual Academy

The AT&T LearningNetwork and T.H.E. Institute, a division of T.H.E. Journal, havecollaborated on the development of the AT&T Learning NetworkVirtual Academy, which, starting this fall, will deliver Web-basedcourses for educators that support technology integration.

"These courses willsupport [teachers'] dual needs to use technology in theclassroom more effectively and to maintain their professionalcredentials with relevant and timely content," said Joan Fenwich,director of the AT&T Learning Network. For more information, call(800) 354-8800 or visit Learning Network, Basking Ridge, NJ.

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Education AccessPuts Technology WithinReach

Education Access'Professional Development Services team develops courseware to assisteducators in infusing technology into the curriculum. All workshops,organized by grade level and subject area, are hands-on withtypically one computer for each participant.

Based on the"train-the-trainer" model, workshops are intended for a small group(15 maximum) of technology-experienced leaders to get individualattention. After participants complete a workshop, they may duplicateand use all outlines and lessons they receive.

Courses are classifiedinto one of three tiers, depending on participants' prior exposure toand knowledge of computers. For Tier 3 workshops, the firm willconsult with the site and assist administrators there in implementingtheir own professional development model. Education Access,Sunnyvale, CA, (800) 446-3713,

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[ProductAdoptions][LateBreaks][FirstHand Stories]


Here's a round-up of somerecent mergers and acquisitions in the ed-tech industry. First,Compaq Computer Corp. has completed its acquisition of DigitalEquipment Corp., making it the second largest computer company in theworld (behind IBM). (800) OK-COMPAQ

Sunburst Communications, Inc., has acquired Tenth Planet, which willretain its name as a wholly owned subsidiary. Tenth Planet currentlyoffers 12 supplementary math products for grades K-6, and plans torelease a literacy series this fall. (914) 747-3310

Nortel (Northern Telecom) has merged with Bay Networks, a leadingmanufacturer of networking products. The combined businesses willdeliver mission-critical Internet Protocol integrated networks thatcan carry voice, video and data across LAN, WAN and carrierbackbones. (905) 863-0000

Scantron Corp. has acquired all the PulseSurvey II software assets ofVitality Alliance. PulseSurvey II performs scannable survey design,administration and collection in one product. (714) 247-2700

College Enterprises, Inc., (CEI) and Campus Custom Publishing (CCP)have merged, with CCP retaining its operating headquarters inNorcross, Ga. CCP provides copyright clearance and course packetproduction services to over 350 campuses nationwide. (818)615-0560

Corbis has moved to acquire Westlight, home to an extensivecollection of photographic images. Corbis hopes to reach a broaderrange of customers in the graphic design, advertising, prepress,publishing and multimedia fields. (800) 220-8346

Computer Teaching Corp. (CTC) has sold its Courseware ServicesDivision to Computer Learning Systems, Inc. The sale will allow CTCto focus on its primary mission of developing and supporting itsprofessional TenCORE authoring systems. (217) 352-6363

The Princeton Review has acquired Apply Technology, LLC, whichproduces exact duplicates, both electronic and in print, ofadmissions applications from more than 650 colleges. The applicationscan be downloaded from (800) 2-REVIEW

NTN Communications has sold an 82.5% interest in its subsidiary,LearnStar, Inc., to NewStar Learning Systems, LLC. The NTN Networkbroadcasts multi-player sports and trivia programming to patrons athospitality locations and to America Online subscribers. (760)438-7400

Datatec Ltd., a networking and distribution company based inJohannesburg, has acquired Westcon Group, Inc. The combineddistribution companies, operating under the Westcon name, now serveNorth America, Europe, Australia, China and South Africa. (914)768-7170

Compaq Announces Winners Of Teacher Development Grants

Compaq has announced the winners of the 1998 Compaq Teacher Development Grants program. This year's awards, presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in San Diego, recognize nine outstanding teacher teams and 25 honorable mention teams across the country for innovation and creativity in designing and/or implementing technology-oriented professional development programs within their districts.

The 34 winning teams, selected from among more than 700 entries, were chosen for designing exemplary programs to prepare teachers to use technology creatively and effectively in their classrooms. More than $175,000 in cash and Compaq technology products were awarded to the winners by a panel consisting of educators and educational technology experts.

"The significant number of entries highlights the growing commitment across the country to help teachers effectively integrate technology into the classroom," said Gary Staunch, Compaq's Director of Education. "Traditionally, it has been the teacher's responsibility to understand technology and how to use it as an educational tool. It's clear from the responses we received that everyone is now playing a role in supporting teacher training and that professional development is critical in helping school technology programs meet their objectives."

The top awards were granted in three categories: national models, mature projects that could be replicated nationwide; pilot projects, projects in an early stage that show substantial promise; and new initiatives, projects that have been thoroughly planned but not yet implemented.

Three prizes were awarded for each category: the Compaq Gold Award ($25,000 in cash and/or Compaq products), the Compaq Silver Award ($10,000) and the Compaq Bronze Award ($5,000). In addition to cash and technology prizes, the three Gold winners each received the Compaq Ambassador Award to encourage wide communication about successful programs by funding speaking engagements and advocacy efforts. Another 25 schools received honorable mentions through the Compaq A+ Award ($1,000 in cash and/or Compaq products).

The nine major winners, sharing $150,000 in prizes and travel stipends, exemplify the creativity in overcoming common challenges such as complexity in school/teacher schedules and lack of funding. The Compaq Teacher Development Grants winners include:

Compaq Gold Award Winners

  • Kennedy Elementary School, Alief School District, Houston, Texas.

Project Managers: Mary Hosking, principal; Kelly McBride, technology specialist; Elizabeth Eastman, teacher; and Sonia Neverman, teacher. Developed a comprehensive curriculum for teachers to learn everything from the basics of technology to creating multimedia presentations for classes (national model).

  • Redmond School District, Redmond, Ore.

Project Managers: Caryl Nye, technology coordinator; Tim Gleeson, principal; and Ken Cardwell, teacher. Mobilized extensive community support to implement a technology training program for teachers (pilot project).

  • Serrano Intermediate School, Saddleback Valley Unified School District, Lake Forest, Calif.

Project Managers: A.J. Roland, principal; Linda Zielinski, teacher; and Kathy Smith, teacher and technology coordinator. Created a program in which teachers mentor teachers and mesh curriculum and technology training in order to develop activities relevant to today's students (new initiatives).

Compaq Silver Award Winners

  • Broad River Elementary School, Beaufort, S.C.

Project Managers: Dr. Melissa Sheppard, principal; Karen Patterson, technology coordinator; Val Allen-Green, science lab specialist; and Pam Cowley, teacher, trainer. Creatively revamped the school schedule to allow students the ability to learn from subject-matter experts while teachers received focused development, collaboration and planning programs for five hours a week (national model).

  • Overbrook School for the Blind, Philadelphia, Pa.

Project Managers: Dr Bernadette Kappen, director of Overbrook School; Denise Schreiber, staff computer training specialist; Barbara Paton, technology specialist; and Susan Laird, teacher. Designed a highly replicable, year-round teacher development program to help educators learn how to best integrate technology into their curriculum (pilot project).

  • Muller Elementary School, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Project Managers: Ophelia Shillingford, principal; Carolyn Tyson, technology specialist; Jacquelyn Davis, teacher; Louise Lettsome, teacher; Doris Daniel, teacher; and Regina Vanterpool, teacher. Shaped teacher technology training programs around a unique curriculum &emdash; the study of iguanas (new initiatives).

Compaq Bronze Award Winners

  • Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas.

Project Managers: Lee Allen, assistant superintendent for technology; Jeri Hodges, executive director of instructional technology; and Sandra Hightower, teacher technologist. Immersed 30 teachers in a three-week residential technology training program; these teachers then led the charge, training other teachers throughout the district (national model).

  • Decatur Public School District #61, Decatur, Ill.

Project Managers: Cindy Reynolds, technology education coordinator; Nan Rickelman, principal, Brush College Elementary; Dick Cheathan, teacher; and Karen Rivera, teacher. Based on the motto "real learning happens through real application," paired teacher/student teams with local businesses to create imaginative multimedia presentations (pilot project).

  • Downington Area School District Ninth Grade Center, Downington, Pa.

Project Managers: Tony Watson, principal; Janet Hash, teacher; Jan Keith, teacher; Marge Doyle, teacher; D. Scenze, teacher; Belinda Bell, teacher; Lisa Anderson, teacher; Craig Krusen, teacher; Todd Ripkey, technology specialist. Inspired teacher development and subsequent use of technology through curriculum-based projects (new initiatives).

Honorable Mention

Compaq's A+ Honorable Mention Awards, honoring 25 teams of teachers, were awarded to the following school districts: Andover Middle School, USD #385, Andover, Kan.; Berkeley Unified School District, Berkeley, Calif.; Carmel Junior High School, Carmel, Ind.; Chaska Area Schools, Chaska, Minn.; Cyber Village Academy, Minneapolis, Minn.; Dorchester School District 2, North Charleston, S.C.; Grand Forks Public Schools, Grand Forks, N.D.; Henry Viscardi School, Albertson, N.Y.; Herrin Community Unit District No. 4, Herrin, Ill.; Holcomb Bridge Middle School, Alpharetta, Ga.; Lab School of Washington Junior High, Washington, D.C.; Lynchburg Public Schools, Lynchburg, Va.; Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf, Trenton, N.J.; McComb Local School, McComb, Ohio; Mountainview Elementary, Morgantown, W. Va.; Nancy Reynolds School, Westfield, N.C.; P.S. 118/Hansberry School, Hollis, N.Y.; Pate Elementary School, Darlington, S.C.; Pius X- St. Matthias High School, Downey, Calif.; Pojoaque Valley Schools, Santa Fe, N.M.; Redding Intermediate School, Middletown, Del.; Rockford Public Schools, Rockford, Mich.; South Mountain Elementary School, Wausau, Wis.; St. Joseph's Academy, Baton Rouge, La.; and Wartburg Central High School, Wartburg, Tenn.
