Microsoft OffersNew Licensing Plans

Microsoft has announced new licensing programs for both K-12 and higher education. School Agreement, for K-12 institutions, lets K-12 schools run a platform of popular software products at a single price, based on the number of school or district owned computers used by students, faculty and staff. Developed in conjunction with K-12 educators, School Agreement is a simple, 12-month subscription program that provides licenses for the Microsoft products that schools use most frequently. The program also allows teachers at participating schools to use the licensed software on their home computers.

Campus Agreement Version 2.0 has been enhanced to let students continue to legally use their Microsoft software after graduation, as long as the college or university still has a Campus Agreement in place. In addition, colleges and universities can now distribute Office 2000 and FrontPage 2000 software to students via CD-ROM, as well as through the current library checkout method and secure server downloads.

In addition to the Campus and School Agreement programs, all education customers have the option of participating in Microsoft's other volume licensing programs including the Open License Program, based on a customer's ability to forecast their licensing needs over a two-year period, and the Select License Program, which offers two-year agreements to customers with 1,000 or more PCs. For complete lists of the software available for licensing, visit

Microsoft Corp.
Redmond, WA
(800) 426-9400

This article originally appeared in the 06/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.
