Personalized Training for Everyone in the Enterprise

Generation21 is the first learning and knowledge management system that provides personalized training to every learner throughout the enterprise. Its unique use of object-oriented technology enables a company to customize training courses and materials for every learner. Courses are tailored to present only knowledge that the learner has not mastered as evaluated by pre-testing.
Generation21 integrates managing the enterprise training process with tools for authoring and developing curriculum without programming. You may publish curriculum in a variety of electronic or paper-based formats, which may be delivered over the Internet or company intranet.
Because of its multi-platform open architecture, Generation 21 is easily integrated with other databases such as Oracle, Sybase, PeopleSoft or any other ODBC database. The meta data tagging of the learning objects at the lowest level enables Generation21 to meet all industry standards, including those currently under development by IEEE, AICC, ISO and IMS. Generation21 Learning Systems, Golden, CO, (303)233-2100,