Networking - Proxim RangeLAN2
Proxim RangeLAN2 wireless LAN products are designed to provide connectivity that acts and feels like a wired connection. Applications designed for Ethernet or Token Ring networks using standard drivers operate transparently over RangeLAN2 networks. However, without wiring, users have the added advantage of freedom of movement.
Operating in the 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) frequency band, RangeLAN2 products utilize frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio frequency (RF) technology, which is both highly secure and exceptionally immune to interference. The products are designed to provide a combination of features for mobile wireless local area networking applications, including high speed, long range, low power consumption, network scalability and advanced network placement. RangeLAN2 is certified and complies with the OpenAir wireless LAN standard set by the Wireless LAN Interoperability Forum. Proxim, Inc., Mountain View, CA, (800) 229-1630,