Put Your High School Online

Yschool, from Ysource Inc., is a suite of online applications and tools that allows family members, teachers and students to access any pertinent school information. Yschool also offers educational content through partnerships with companies such as Peterson’s, whose CollegeQuest provides Ysource users with online practice and feedback for their SATs and ACTs. Yschool opens online access to a school’s Web site, including school newspapers, calendars, fundraisers, announcements, and teachers’ personal Web pages complete with pictures, schedules and homework assignments.


Students and parents can communicate without the intrusion of banner ads in Yschool’s commercial-free environment. A filtering system prevents users from posting or sending inappropriate communications within any of the program’s components. Password security ensures that students will not be exposed to visitors from outside the school community. Ysource Inc., Park City, UT, (877) 926-6544, www.ysourceinc.com.

This article originally appeared in the 05/01/2000 issue of THE Journal.
