Lots of Cold, Hard Cache

Offering caching solutions for a broad scope of networked environments, the Stratacache Products Group has introduced its family of content acceleration appliances. These include the Express series (E-50, E-55) for sub-100 user networks, the Flyer series (F-100) for 50 to 250 users, the Meteor series (T-300) for 250, 500 and 750+ users, and the Metroliner models (M-500) designed to enhance networks with over 1,000 users.

Accelerating the speed at which end users can access Web content, Stratacache's caching engines can support any network environment, whether Linux, NetWare, Windows NT, Solaris or UNIX-based. By incorporating Novell's Internet Caching System (ICS) technology, the products include multimedia streaming, Web content filtering and advanced cache-clustering services. In addition, basic cache configuration upon installation has a Stratacache content acceleration appliance up and running in less than 15 minutes.

The appliances can also be managed via Web browser or telnet sessions from the other side of the room or the other side of the planet. Comprehensive technical support, project integration and site service help to keep the caching solutions up and running. Stratacache Products Group, Dayton, OH, (800) 244-8915, www.stratcache.com.
