Switch Takes Control of Internet Access
To help allow control of student Web access, Internet On/OffCorp. has introduced the Internet On/Off switch. A small key about the size ofa pack of gum, the switch is easily plugged into the USB port of most PCs. Onceinstalled, the switch can enable or disable access to the Internet withoutdisrupting any other functions of the computer. It can be used in schools,libraries or homes where access to the Internet needs to be monitored.
Installation and use of the device is very simple. First,plug the key into the USB port on the computer, then insert the included CD-ROMand enter in your instructions for Internet usage. Once the time limit set bythe parent or teacher is reached, the computer is automatically disconnectedfrom the Internet. It cannot be reconnected until a new session automaticallybegins the next day, or the key is reset. Once installed, the software makes itimpossible to circumvent the set parameters. The device is compatible with anyPC running Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT. Internet On/Off Corp., Hampton, NH, (603) 926-0162, www.internetonoff.com.
This article originally appeared in the 08/01/2000 issue of THE Journal.