Make the Most of Cable Space

Panduit’s new high-capacity distribution system is designedto maximize space, reduce overall installed cost and simplify system updates.The OPTICOM HD fiber distributionsystem includes equipment racks, integral cable management with bend radiuscontrol and high-density enclosures and connector modules. With up to 1,728simplex SC connections in a single 7’ rack, the system delivers very highdensity. Other features include a minimal footprint, easy access D-rings forfaster moves, adds and changes, 1.5” bend radius control, integral fiberprotection and slack management.
The fiber enclosures accommodate up to 192 fibers in 3 EIArack units. The enclosures accept FJ, FC, SC, ST, E2000 and LC connectorstyles, and offer integral cable management with bend radius control. They arealso compatible with both EIA and WECO racks. The OPTICOM HD fiber distributionsystem is part of a complete solution for network cabling infrastructures,including fiber and copper connectors, outlets, rack systems, raceway systems,network identification systems and network cable tie systems.
PanduitCorp., Tinley Park, IL, (888)506-5400,