Grant Program Honors Teaching Excellence
Curriculum Associates, Inc.has launched the fourth annual Excellence in Teaching Cabinet Grant program,
which honors three educators who exhibit excellence in teaching practices.Winning educators will be appointed to the 2001/2002 Excellence in TeachingCabinet, and will receive a $1,000 implementation grant for a submittedproject. In addition, they will receive up to $500 worth of CurriculumAssociates educational materials, and will be able to field test products inthe classroom and provide product feedback. The Curriculum Associates Web sitewill allow these educators to share their success stories with other educators.
Educators wishing to applyfor a grant are asked to submit proposals for innovative teaching projects thatexemplify excellence in K-8 teaching practices. These projects should encompassa range of media, including print and technology. A team of education expertswill choose three winning educators from a pool of entrants in a variety ofcurriculum areas. Proposals for grant-winning projects are selected based oneducators’ abilities to make their classrooms creative, quality learningenvironments through the use of multiple teaching tools. The judges chooseprojects based on creativity, educational goals and objectives, ability toincorporate technology and print materials, and ease of implementation. Cabinetprojects can run from three months through the entire school year.
Submission to the program isopen to all educators teaching in grades K-8 in the United States and Canada.Submissions of 500-750 word project proposals are due by March 15, 2001. Forofficial rules, visit the Curriculum Associates Web site. Curriculum Associates, Inc., No. Billerica, MA, (800) 225-0248,