New Releases...International Computer
International Computers' ccE Voice seamlessly integrates
closed captioning and voice recognition technology, allowing captions to be created by speak-ing into a microphone. Whether used with videotape or live broadcast (post-production or real-time), ccE Voice makes complex issues transparent to the user. This complete system conforms to the latest captioning standards, and complies with legal standards and requirements for captioning. It is an external broadcast quality device and comes with Windows-based software. Once the hardware and software are installed and a 30-minute training session is completed, full captioning capabilities are in place. Users speak into the microphone and their words are transcribed into closed captions.
New Mexico's Los Alamos National Lab, a Department of Energy installation operated by the University of California, has selected ccE Voice for their closed captioning needs. The Lab has more than 100 employees who identify themselves as hard of hearing, along with a number of ESL employees. To meet everyone's needs, instructional and informational videotapes produced by the lab needed to be caption encoded, so ccE Voice was chosen for its ease of installation and ease of use. International Computers, Franklin, WI, (414) 764-9000,