Educator’s Review: Inspiration 7

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\par Inspiration 7 significantly extends the tools and techniques of visual learning to improve achievement for all students. This new version provides more powerful support for reading, writing and critical thinking in all curricular areas. Retaining the core functions that have made Inspiration the premier tool to develop ideas and organize thinking, Inspiration 7 introduces important new capabilities that improve the visual learning experience for students and teachers.


\par Inspiration 7 energizes the visual learning experience in five key areas:

\par \par

\par \f1\bullet Inspiring new thinking tools


\par \bullet Inviting, intuitive interface


\par \bullet Simplified template development and integration


\par \bullet Rapid Web site creation


\par \bullet Improved operational support

\par \par

\par Inspiration\rquote s integrated diagramming and outlining environments work together to help students comprehend concepts and information. Educators use Inspiration to customize instruction, achieve standards, assess student progress and strengthen learning. With its more than 50 templates, as well as a template wizard for customizable creations, visual learning can quickly be integrated into the classroom. A wealth of ideas from across the curriculum inspires students and teachers to plan, organize and create.


\par Inspiration\rquote s Web site also offers a myriad of materials for professional development. On the site you\rquote ll find everything from presentation scripts and resources to the ability to request free workshop materials for your attendees. In addition, you can sign up for the company\rquote s free monthly newsletter, enter to receive one of the 30 Inspired Teacher Scholarships for Visual Learning, as well as find the tech support and useful tips when working with Inspiration.


\par Powered by the proven techniques of visual learning, Inspiration 7 supports improved achievement for students in grade 6 to the adult level. Inspiration strengthens critical thinking, comprehension and writing across the curriculum in language arts, science, social studies, and anytime your students need to structure research or other thought processes.


\par To view some examples of how educators are \ldblquote inspiring\rdblquote their peers online, visit the following sites:

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\par \bullet District Five Schools, South Carolina

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\par \emdash Judith Rajala, M.A.

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\par Contact Information
\par Inspiration Software Inc.
\par Portland, OR
\par (800) 877-4292

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This article originally appeared in the 12/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
