Web Bulletin Board
Adobe Digital Kids Club

Adobe Digital Kids Club

The online Adobe Digital Kids Club delivers a great opportunity for teachers to connect with students through the fun and excitement of digital photography. The Web site provides free expert advice from top photographers, product training, lessons and other resources - all helping teachers to integrate digital photography and digital imaging into daily classroom activities.
K to the 8th Power Inc.

The K to the 8th Power online curriculum combines Core Academics, Applied Technology, and Language Acquisition. Through vocabulary, language arts and math lessons, students increase proficiency in nationally tested subjects while mastering common computer applications. ESL/ELL students build English skills through computer exercises that reinforce listening, reading and writing comprehension.
Nova Southeastern University

NSU's Fischler Graduate School offers graduate degrees in leadership to meet the emerging demands of the global and technological marketplace by creating "leaders at all levels"; from classroom to boardroom, from professor to CEO. Visit our Web site to learn more about our graduate programs in Educational Leadership (M.S./Ed.S./Ed.D.), Higher Education Leadership (Ed.D.), and Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.) offered on-site, online, worldwide.