NetCleanse, Spam Sleuth Protect From Viruses and Spam

NetCleanse ( is a single solution for protection from viruses and spam that promises to eliminate computer vulnerabilities. The dual-protection system is easy to install and works 24 hours a day to protect against the annoyances of spam and the dangers of viruses. To identify spam, the e-mail filter analyzes the header, subject and text of an e-mail. Once identified, the spam e-mail can be tagged and filtered to an internal mail server or quarantined. In addition,
NetCleanse automatically updates the spam filtration rules so that they can accurately identify spam. To protect against viruses and other attacks,
NetCleanse uses multiple anti-virus engines. By combining the many different theories and methods of anti-virus detection into one solution,
NetCleanse's anti-virus protection is able to offer a high level of protection.
Keeping your inbox free from junk e-mail is easy with Blue Squirrel's Spam Sleuth (, which scans e-mail messages for spam and viruses. Spam Sleuth works by analyzing e-mail so that it can recognize spam and redirect it, as well as recognize and remove viruses in attachments. The program fakes spammers into thinking an e-mail account isn't valid by bouncing back the spam e-mail hoping that spammers will clear their lists of invalid accounts. Automatic updates keep Spam Sleuth up-to-date on spam and virus definitions. The program also features a white list so that users can specify from whom they wish to receive e-mail, and a blacklist of known spammers that can be updated with names of others from whom they don't wish to receive e-mail. All spam is stored in a compressed mailbox that uses little disk space so that users can scan for misidentified mail. For protection from viruses, Spam Sleuth also automatically removes all executable attachments whether or not they have been identified as viruses.