Spark a Revolution in Learning at NECC 2005
Presented by the
International Societyfor Technology inEducation (ISTE), in associationwith the PennsylvaniaAssociation for EducationalCommunications andTechnology, NECC 2005will be held June 27-30 at thePennsylvania ConventionCenter in Philadelphia.Based on the theme DigitalIlluminations—Sparking aRevolution in Learning, thisyear’s conference providespreK-20 educational professionalsfrom around the worldwith a place to learn, exchangeinformation, and review thelatest resources and solutionsfrom more than 450 ed techexhibitors.
Educational opportunities on tap for NECC 2005 include more than 20
spotlight sessions conducted by various industry experts on topics such as wireless networking, online learning, innovative eLearning products, and technology professional development programs. K-12 educators can take part in student showcase sessions where students exhibit projects that they have created through the use of ed tech products, as well as participate in hundreds of workshops and concurrent sessions that are broken down into grade level and type of learning. In addition, the conference’s concurrent workshops will deal with topics such as online professional development, distance/distributed learning, and videoconferencing.
NECC attendees will get thechance to hear about the visionand current direction of some ofthe most committed companiesin the industry during thecorporate CEO spotlightsessions, while the smaller andmore intimate “Birds-of-a-Feather” sessions give educatorsthe chance to network withpeers. The conference alsoprovides plenty of opportunitiesto have fun while exploringPhiladelphia, including anopening night reception,a dancethat coincides with the first-everNECC Student Film Festival, a5K Fun Run/Walk, and anopportunity to take tours of thecity’s historical landmarks andmuseums. In addition, theconvention center will provide awireless network for laptop usersand beaming stations for thosewith Palm OS-powered PDAs.
For more information on NECC 2005, visit or call (800) 280-6218.