
TheMark-My-Time new Mark-My-Time digital bookmark from Mark-My-Time( is a fun and easy way to monitorstudents’ reading times while motivating them to read. The slim,durable digital bookmark is made from a polyethylene plastic, comesin three bright colors (lime, plum, and turquoise), and features adigital clock at the top that’s powered by a replaceable watch battery.Schools and parents can use the digital bookmark either as a countdowntimer that provides an alarm when a child has completed hisrequired reading time, or as a cumulativetimer that tracks total time spentreading throughout the day. The digitalbookmark can also be used for timingother activities such as meetings, studyand practice sessions, and intervaltraining when exercising. In addition,the company offers three fundraisingprograms that provide revenue opportunitiesfor schools and nonprofit organizations. Price: $8.95.
