Polycom Enhances Grant Assistance Program
Polycom Inc. has enhanced itsGrant Assistance Program(www.polycom.com/pgap) inorder to help its customerspurchase the video, voice, data,and Web communication solutionsthey need, while also takingadvantage of the more than $83billion in IT grants and fundingprograms that the federalgovernment allocates each yearto support state and local governmentfunctions. The programprovides schools with one-ononeadvice from grant writersand coordinators who helpsearch, supervise, and expeditethe process and preparation ofofficial grant applications. It alsooffers additional resources suchas Webinars and an onlinefunding resource guide andnewsletter, as well as up to $1,500to help cover the cost of grantapplications and expert fees.
This article originally appeared in the 09/01/2005 issue of THE Journal.