T+L2 Conference

Oct. 26-28; Denver, CO
From the school boardmember to the classroomteacher, T+L2 is the nation’sonly K-12 education technologyconferencedesigned for district leadership teams.Conference programming offers six integratedcontent strands that align with ISTE’sTechnology Standards for SchoolAdministration, and features keynote speakerssuch as Neil Gershenfeld, director of MIT’sCenter for Bits and Atoms, Tiffany Schlain,award-winning filmmaker and the on-airInternet expert for ABC’s Good MorningAmerica, and author Guy Garcia. T+L2 alsofeatures district workshops, a trade show withmore than 225 educational technologyvendors, and a variety of special networkingevents. Any district that is a member of theTechnology Leadership Network will receive asignificant discount on registration.
