My Access Home Student Edition by Vantage Learning
My Access Home Student Edition
by Vantage Learning
VANTAGE LEARNING is now shipping a home version of its popularonline writing tool, My Access. My Access Home Edition makes use of the original'spatented artificial intelligence, IntelliMetric, as well as its automatedessay-scoring technology. Both editions provide students with instant feedbackon grammar, style, and the overall quality of their writing. The homeproduct line includes My Access Home Student Edition; My Access Home FamilyEdition, which is set up for parental involvement; and My Access HomeSchool/Tutor Edition, which is geared for instructors. Prices: Student Edition,$89.95; Family Edition, $99.95; Home School/Tutor Edition, $129.95.
This article originally appeared in the 05/01/2007 issue of THE Journal.