Product Focus

ResponseCard AnyWhere
by Turning Technologies
TURNING TECHNOLOGIES has introduced ResponseCard AnyWhere, a new addition to itslineup of products. The LCD screen-equipped handheld receiver is about the size of a deck ofcards, and does not require a projector, computer, or an electrical outlet for operation. The mobilesystem allows teachers to poll students by touching one button on the receiver, and lets studentsrespond by using ResponseCard RF keypads. Poll results immediately display on the teacher’sreceiver LCD screen, and sessions can be wirelessly stored in the receiver or downloaded via USBcable to a PC with ResponseCard Anywheredesktop software. Price: Starts at $199.

Fast ForWord Language Series v2
by Schientific Learning
SCIENTIFIC LEARNING has redeveloped its signature elementaryreading and language software, resulting in Fast ForWord LanguageSeries v2. Research-based exercises included in the software aredesigned to help struggling readers develop critical brain-processingefficiency in four key areas-- memory, attention, processing rates, andsequencing skills-- and build grade-level reading skills. New featuresof this supplemental instruction tool support a Response to Interventionapproach, while the improved design, which includes new characters,graphics, and themes, engages and motivates students. Price: $750to $900 (individual licenses).

by Texas Instruments
The TI-Nspire handheld graphing calculatorfrom TEXAS INSTRUMENTS isdesigned to help students develop adeeper understanding of math concepts,from pre-algebra through calculus. Students can use thecalculator to see multiple representations of a problem on asingle screen, grab and move graphed functions to observe relationshipsand patterns, solve problems using built-in interactivegeometry capabilities, and save and review work. The TI-Nspirealso comes with a snap-in TI-84 Plus keypad that provides thesame keystroke options as the TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, andTI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculators. Price: About $140.