itslearning LMS Integrates to Microsoft Office 365, G-Suite Cloud Apps

Image: itslearning.

The itslearning learning management system (LMS) has increased integration to popular cloud apps like Microsoft’s Office 365 and Google’s G-Suite, enabling users to more easily add cloud files from these platforms into courses, assignments, the itslearning library and other features within the LMS.  

The company in a recent webinar said they wanted K–12 students and teachers worldwide using itslearning to be able to easily click an icon to create a Word document in the LMS. They are now able to work in Excel, Word, PowerPoint and more directly within the platform without using their Microsoft email account or entering any other user information.

"We've leveraged the real power of cloud — that's great tools, great collaboration, ease of use and we're bringing it all into itslearning," said Steve Threadgold, an itslearning project manager, in a webinar.

The company last month was the first LMS to add full courses, and now CEO Anne Bergby said the latest integration is a move to make itslearning “the most complete education hub available with one simple login.”  

“We worked with Microsoft to bring these cloud tools directly into our platform, so our users can enjoy a seamless user experience with no need for Office 365, Hotmail or Outlook accounts,” Bergby said in a company statement. “There’s no configuration or setup. Traditional LMS competitors require you have to have an external account in order to use these tools.”

The LMS has plans to join the Microsoft Azure marketplace in the near future, according to the webinar.

To learn more about itslearning and cloud integrations, watch the webinar below.

Updated May 2, 9:00 a.m. to include video and additional information. 

About the Author

Sri Ravipati is Web producer for THE Journal and Campus Technology. She can be reached at
