Most Kahoot Teachers Expect a Mix of Online and In-School

As of last month, most teachers globally expected to deliver instruction through a mix of distance and in-classroom learning. According to a July survey by Kahoot of 1,207 K-12 teachers and faculty in higher education, 69 percent predicted they'd have a mix of instructional delivery in the new school year. Just 16 percent said education would be entirely online, and 7 percent said it would be in-classroom, "like before." Kahoot is an online quiz program with elements of gamification.

In fact, blended learning was expected to be a trend in classrooms "over the next few years," according to four in 10 respondents. Other popular trends included diversity and inclusion training (referenced by 23 percent), student-led learning (20 percent) and life skills and workforce preparation (17 percent).

The most challenging aspect of shifting to virtual instruction hasn't necessarily been getting used to the various technology teachers are using. That was designated by 29 percent of survey participants. What was slightly more challenging was not having "social contact" with students (mentioned by 32 percent) and teachers seeing their students "struggle with engagement" (32 percent). The remainder of respondents said the shift "was not difficult."

Among global regions, teachers in the United States felt less safe about heading back to the classroom than educators in other parts of the world. While 49 percent of American teachers said they felt "somewhat" or "very" safe returning, that was a more common response among teachers in Asia (54 percent) and Europe (58 percent).

Looking on the brighter side, 88 percent of respondents said they found that at least one element of their teaching proficiency improve through distance learning. More than a third (36 percent) said it was meeting students' "varied needs and learning styles." Another 30 percent said their communication with students and parents improved. And 22 percent reported that their motivation to teach perked up.

The survey was issued to educators registered for the Kahoot EDU Summit, which took place in June. A slight majority (52 percent) lived in the United States. Three-quarters (76 percent) taught in elementary or secondary schools.

More details about the survey are available in an article on the Kahoot website.

About the Author

Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.
