Policy & Funding
Feds Offer Guidance on Use of COVID-19 Relief Funding
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- 05/27/21
The U.S.
Department of Education has released guidance
on how ESSER and GEER relief funding may be spent. There are few
limits on how schools can spend the money allocated through the
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund,
including the American Rescue Plan ESSER (ARP ESSER) program and the
Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. The big caveat:
There needs to be a link to helping students, educators, staff and
families emerge from the impacts of COVID-19. Among the findings
contained in the 61-page frequently-asked questions document are
these nuggets:
At least 20% of
the ARP ESSER allocation needs to address learning loss and,
specifically, "the academic impact of lost instructional time
through the implementation of evidence-based interventions."
That could be summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day
sessions, after-school programs or extended school year programs.
On the technology
front, specifically, the FAQ highlighted that funding could be used
to purchase educational technology, including hardware, software and
connectivity, as long as it's intended for helping students with
their education. Also encouraged: the use of ESSER and GEER funds to
improve cybersecurity.
The guidance has
promoted the use of funds for "innovation" in teaching and
learning, which needs to be evidence-based and intended to address
lost instructional time.
The report stated
that funding could also be applied to improvements in data systems,
including data collection activities and creation of data dashboards
intended to provide public reporting. The FAQ specifically mentioned
these types of data that could be tracked through such a dashboard,
with an emphasis that the information be broken out "to the
greatest extent possible" by race/ethnicity, economic status,
English learner status, disability status and homelessness status:
offerings by modality, face-to-face versus remote versus hybrid;
enrollment rates by school and by instructional modality;
attendance rates by school and by instructional modality;
absenteeism rates by school and by instructional modality;
Rate of student
participation logging into remote learning for students in fully
remote or hybrid learning environments by school;
Average number
of hours of live instruction by grade span by school by month;
A measure of
students and teachers with adequate technology (devices and
high-speed internet access) for remote instruction;
learning across multiple measures, including assessments; and
rates; access to advanced coursework; teacher turnover and
credentials; and access to guidance counselors, social workers,
psychologists and nurses.
The report is openly
available through
the U.S. Department of Education website.
About the Author
Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.