Policy Issues

Department of Education Seeking Best Practices for Reopening Schools

The U.S. Department of Education has issued a request for information on how schools, colleges and universities, and early education providers are reopening, operating safely and supporting students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Limitations Lurk in High School Graduation Pathways

While many high schoolers have myriad routes to graduation, those pathways are not all equal, and some may steer students into unexpected outcomes that limit their options early in life.

Global School Recovery Tracker Monitors Education Status

The purpose of the tool is to help 200 countries and territories make decisions about school reopening and recovery planning.

Forget about Standardized Testing This Fall, Parents Say

Parents overwhelmingly opposed going ahead with standardized testing this spring, according to a survey done by a parent advocates group.

United States Invests $1.3 Trillion in Ed

In terms of overall spend, the United States tops every other country in education, investing $1.3 trillion across all levels. That's more than seven times the next top contender, Germany, which spends $189.4 billion on education. However, we're only number 8 in terms of education spending as a percentage of the gross domestic product.

UNESCO Promotes Safe Reopening of Schools; Putting Teachers Up Front for Vaccines

UNESCO, the United Nations agency responsible for education, and Education International, the global federation of education unions, has made a plea for schools worldwide to reopen "safely" and to keep them open "as long as possible."

9 Policy Priorities for Closing the Digital Divide

A nonprofit that promotes "open, affordable, high-quality broadband connections" has issued a roadmap for 2021, laying out what it will be pursuing in its mission of supplying internet access to an estimated 42 million unconnected people in the United States.

Department of Ed Portal Gives Snapshot of CARES Act Ed Funding

The U.S. Department of Education has launched on online portal intended to show how much states have spent of their CARES Act education allocations for K-12 districts and colleges and universities.

How State Accountability Systems May Overlook Low Performers

Even as education leaders are encouraged to look at the data to understand which pockets of students need special kinds of support for their learning, a new article and infographic from a research organization have suggested that some "subgroups" of students are too small to register on the radar, which means they get passed over.

Report: How to Get the Good Changes to Last

How much of the innovation that's taking place right now in education will still be around when the instability of the pandemic has slowed down? That's a question that the Christensen Institute has tried to understand in a new paper published today.
