Over the three years since Ector County ISD launched its tutoring program, the district has achieved remarkable growth, and superintendent Scott Muri recently joined THE Journal Insider podcast host Kristal Kuykendall to share some of the lessons learned during the pilot and implementation, such as its use of outcomes-based tutoring contracts, strictly structured tutoring sessions, and teacher involvement.
For THE Journal's 7 Questions Ed Tech Explainer series, Lenovo’s Education Software General Manager Coby Gurr shares how Lenovo’s K–12 division and particularly its classroom management software LanSchool emphasize inclusivity, accessibility, and a holistic, integrated approach to school technology — and how Lenovo EDU’s line of hardware, software, and services aim to provide a “comprehensive learning environment.”
Microsoft Education is gearing up to introduce new learning tools and share more details about recently launched tools during a virtual event for educators and education leaders on Thursday, Feb. 9, the company said.
With so-called learning loss from the pandemic continuing to harm students, schools can't just return to normal methods of teaching math. Fortunately, researchers have a strong understanding of how people learn math, just as they did with the now widely accepted science of reading. However, that understanding is taking too long to filter into classroom instruction.
PreK–12 SEL provider 7 Mindsets has acquired BASE Education, a student social-emotional learning and mental health platform developed by licensed professional counselors, expanding and enhancing 7 Mindsets’ suite of social-emotional well-being offerings for students, educators, and families, 7 Mindsets said.
During the final weeks of 2022, THE Journal asked scores of ed tech leaders about their wishes and worries for 2023. Cybersecurity and teacher resources were the most common topics addressed in the responses — many of which include specific ideas for new policies and practices for K–12 education in the United States.
EarlyBird Education and SoapBox Labs have partnered and paired their technology to identify potential dyslexia or other reading problems in young children who have not yet learned to read. The technology was developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, along with faculty at the Florida Center for Reading Research. It is now available for pre-K and first-grade levels, and will be expanding to second- and third-grade levels, EarlyBird reports.
Educators and instructional technology experts Michael Jaber and Charley Suter describe the “endless” ways that ClassVR virtual reality headsets can help educators get students excited about learning — and share some incredible and surprising ways they are using ClassVR in schools, particularly for special education students, students with autism, and those with limited mobility. Listen now at THEJournal.com or on your favorite podcast platform.
For the 7 Questions Ed Tech Explainer series, Branching Minds CEO Maya Gat explains how its Multi-Tiered System of Supports solution works, how it impacts teachers, administrators, students, and learning outcomes, and how it incorporates a school district's existing data to help teachers equitably and efficiently differentiate instruction and ensure it's helping students catch up.
SXSW EDU has unveiled nearly half of the lineup for the 2023 event scheduled for March 6–9, 2023, in Austin, featuring topics considered the most pressing in education, the organization said, after more than 1,200 proposals were whittled down by conference organizers and voting through PanelPicker.