Digital Edition April

THE Journal Digital Edition - April 2012


Table of Contents

Special Issue: Digital Schools

Cover Story: Quality Control

Maintaining Standards in a Textbook-Free World

A textbook follows an arduous process to get approval for use in the classroom. So who vets the curriculum when a teacher can simply pluck a learning object off a virtual shelf?  By Dian Schaffhauser

I Pledge Allegiance

Become a 'Good Citizen' in a New Era

Schools always have been charged with the task of producing good citizens — human beings with the necessary skills and knowledge to participate effectively as responsible members of society. But how has our definition of a "good citizen" changed over the ages? By Jennifer Demski

Curriculum Update

Data Driven for the Common Core

Spotlight on Math

The Flipped Classroom

Fundamental Skills

Typing in the Age of Tablets


  • Our Space: The Ever Expanding School Day
  • Here & Now
  • Index
  • Profile

APRIL 2012 | Volume 39, No. 3 | 44 Pages