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- Ed Tech Insights: The Digital Tools That Teachers Are Using Now
- Keynote: Tech Can Close the Achievement Gap
January/February 2017 2016 | vol. 49 no. 9
- 2017 Salary & Job Satisfaction Survey
The results are in for our second-annual survey of IT pros working in K–12 schools and districts. For the most part, tech leaders are doing well in their professions and see a bright future for the industry.
- Ed Tech Trends: What’s Hot in 2017
Education technologies are, by their nature, capricious. So it makes sense to consider what could drive innovation among classrooms for the new year. A panel of K-12 experts weighs in.
- What Effective Blended Learning Looks Like
No two blended learning classrooms will look exactly alike — but here are some common elements for success.
- Coding Comes of Age
Coding is gradually making its way from club to curriculum, thanks largely to the nationwide science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) phenomenon embraced by so many American schools.
Reading on an Android tablet?
An app is in currently in development for Android tablets/phones.