
Welcome to our free K-12-technology-in-the-classroom white paper and case study library from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

Advancing K-12 Network Security with Zero Trust

Rising cyberattacks, new federal requirements, and an evolving education landscape have pushed cybersecurity to the forefront for just about every district IT leader.

The Ultimate OS Showdown: Windows vs Chrome for K-12 Teachers and Admin

Ready for the ultimate Windows vs Chrome showdown? Tailored specifically to professionals in K-12 education, this snappy side-by-side of Windows OS and Chrome OS gives you the tools you need to choose the “perfect fit” device for teachers and admin at your school.

From Fundamentals to Plus: Finding your “Perfect Fit” Google Workspace License for Your School

Did you know about Google Workspace for Education’s four different licenses, all bursting with tools and features to elevate teaching and learning? Now the question is, “which one best suits teachers, admins, and students at my school?”

The Right Technology Drives Successful Experiences

In the remote-work and remote-learning era, a thoughtful approach to technology use in general, and network infrastructure in particular, can help schools deliver outstanding results. Download this informative Tech Tactics program to learn the five Do's and the five Don'ts to ensure your school or district has the right network infrastructure in place to provide positive interactions for individuals learning and working on and off campus.

Membership 101: Getting the Most Out of Your Membership

The cyber threat landscape confronting schools has grown in complexity since the pandemic. Today, K-12 schools find themselves a primary target of cyber threat actors. The issue is that 81% of K-12 organizations report struggling with a lack of sufficient funds, which means they can't always afford resources to protect their systems and data.

School Leadership’s Guide to Career and Technical Education

Knowing how to take your Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings to the next level can be daunting. We’ve developed a comprehensive guide to help school and district leaders like you enhance your CTE offerings to grow and adapt over time.

Beyond the Homework Gap: Leveraging Technology to Support Equity of Learning Experiences in School

The role of technology as an agent for creating more leveled playing fields for student learning is not new – but it has not been fully articulated before now. As a result of using technology as a platform for remote learning, both teachers and administrators now place a higher valuation on the role of technology to support students’ future success.

Beyond The IT Department: The Emergence of the CIO as a Digital Leader in K-12 Districts

The pandemic and resulting seismic shifts in school models opened the eyes of many to see technology use through a new lens. Now, armed with these experiential sightlines, many K-12 teachers, principals, administrators, and staff are investigating how to more effectively use technology resources to drive greater efficiency and effectiveness, including in teaching and learning.