
Welcome to our free K-12-technology-in-the-classroom white paper and case study library from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

Texas K-12 Charter Schools Partner with Spectrum Enterprise to Elevate Educational Experience

Ultra-High Speed Data powers trilingual education for over 23,000 students. Download to learn more!

ISTE Certification Transforms Learning

ISTE Certification ensures educators prioritize pedagogy, while effectively integrating technology throughout the curriculum. Download this report today to discover three ways ISTE Certification prepares educators to transform learning.

A Charter School Gets E-Learning Up To Speed with a Modern WiFi Solution

The Academy of Hope had been struggling with its technology infrastructure, particularly its wireless connectivity, for several years due to budget constraints and a lack of highly skilled IT resources. The school obtained federal E-Rate funding for an upgrade and found a partner to provide a much needed modern WiFi solution.

Dare County Schools Secures Student Success Today and into the Future with High-Speed Connectivity

Recently, the use of video streaming, virtual learning and online instruction has increased greatly, as digital learning became more widely adopted in the classroom. This has caused many school districts to adapt at a faster pace than some are prepared for.

Advancing K-12 Network Security with Zero Trust

Rising cyberattacks, new federal requirements, and an evolving education landscape have pushed cybersecurity to the forefront for just about every district IT leader.