Convert Documents Into Web Pages
HTML Transit 2.0 simplifies the conversion of word processing and desktop publishing documents into Web pages. The software automatically generates an index or table of contents as well as text bars -- a collection of short, text-based hyperlinks based on headings in source documents. Version 2.0 also accurately renders HTML tables with a default width and border thickness; users choose the color of the background, the size and location of the table, and the color and format of the cell text. Graphics are converted to GIF or JPEG formats, either at full size or as thumbnails. The template-based architecture lets one specify exactly how Web pages will appear and behave before conversion. Because the template works on structure rather than content, it can be reused for similar documents or later revisions. HTML Transit supports the HTML 3.0 draft specification as well as the display extensions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. InfoAccess, Bellevue, WA, (800) 344-9737, W
This article originally appeared in the 11/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.